Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thankful For...

1. My son Steven was not severely injured in his accident on Monday morning. When I arrived at the accident scene he was already enroute to the ER. I saw his car I just knew his injuries would be bad. Thank you God for protecting him from more serious injuries and for allowing me to remain calm to get Teresa and I to the Hospital safely.

2. Being able to pick Rhianna up at school today. It was her first day back. She has been through a lot this week. Keep Praying her antibiotics kick in full force soon... and she gets better soon

3. The warm weather we've had the last few days... Rhianna loves the outdoors. We had fun today while she was here.

4. The fact I serve a soveriegn God who loves me so much! Even the times I'm living in the flesh and not seeking his will for my life. Thank you God for forgiving me when I do mess up...

5. The weekends almost here... maybe I'll be able to get my dishwasher hookup so I want have to handwash them Yay!!!